Own Your Data: Data Analytics Maturity Series, Episode 1
Getting closer to your customers requires making the most of the data available to you and understanding where you are in terms of data maturity. We’re here to help. Introducing our new series on Data Analytics Maturity, coming to you from our Data Science & Decision Analytics team. This series will cover the elusive topic of data. How to gather it, develop it, and structure it so that you can hone in on valuable insights.
In our first episode Brunner’s VP of Data Science & Decision Analytics, Pat Stroh, explains the steps businesses can take to turn “so-so data” to mature data. Pat is an expert in helping brands take the first step in having a data plan. At the intersection of data, analytics, and your organization’s business processes lay the insights your business needs to capitalize on to drive success. We’re here to help you progress towards discovering and capitalizing on these data driven learnings.
Want to have a plan by the New Year? Contact us! With just a quick discussion, we can provide a planning guide to success in 2020.